Recently a young man made a shocking confession. For quite sometime he had been hooked to the INTERNET on his computer. Every day he would browse around websites that presented hard-core pornography. Eventually, he became so bound to this abominable addiction that it stopped him from even going to college. All he could think of almost all 24 hours was immorality. Any time he looked at a woman, it was with extreme lust. He had such a strong sensual drive that he could not look at his godly mother as a loving, caring mother but as a stuff to satisfy his lustful desires. He was ashamed to confess that sometimes at night, without his knowledge, his body would roll towards his mother’s bed! Thank God, he managed to somehow struggle and came back to his bed every time that happened.
When he made this confession, some saints prayed with him for a number of days; he himself cried to God earnestly day and night, and finally he was completely set free.
Why does pornography have such strength? It is because it operates much like a drug. It has a strong drive, which is so strong that it can take over the reason of the mind; the person wants more and more of this pleasure, until finally it leads to destruction.
Ted Bundy grew up in a godly Christian home with loving parents who didn’t smoke or gamble; and they all regularly attended church. But when he was 12 or 13, he saw pornographic magazines, and this got hold of him. He kept wanting something stronger and stronger, and finally, not being able to satisfy the addiction, he killed someone foe the pleasure. He felt awful after that, but the drive was so strong that he soon did it again and again, and finally became a serial killer. The day before he was executed, he said, in an interview, that he wanted his testimony to be a warning of the dangers of pornography—of how it could turn a child with such good upbringing into a horrible killer. Ted said that every violent criminal he had met in prison, without exception, had been motivated by pornography.
The images of pornographic materials are cut in, and engraved in your heart and mind, bringing torments in your spirit, soul and body. The Holy Spirit wants to write His laws in our heart and mind, to enable us to do them. “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you…And I will put My spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, and do them”(Ezek 36:26,27). Similarly, Satan’s unclean spirit wants to write and draw images of unclean things in our hearts and minds—to make us do (enact) them.
Many young people (some old people too) do not realize that porn power (the power of pornography) is a devastating power coming from the very pit of hell. After viewing or reading pornographic materials, people fantasize about it—which leads to serious immoral activities. Every fantasy becomes another link in the chain encircling the soul. Eventually such a person has difficulty interacting with others without being dominated by impure thoughts and desires. As seen in the life of that young man, you lose all your normal moral feelings towards even your own sister, mother or daughter. See what the Word of the God says about such people. “Who being past feeling has given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness” (Eph4:19). Therefore porn addiction is your normal emotions or feelings being replaced by lust in every part of your spirit, soul and body. Finally you find yourself a mental wreck, corrupt to the core.
Most internet users believe that unless they go looking for porn, it will not find them. What they do not realize is, that pornographers are aggressively implementing new strategies to market and push pornography to innocent internet users, without their consent and often even without their knowledge. If the user is spiritually unguarded he becomes a new customer to the diabolic recruiters and slowly, a slave to porn power. So if, as an unwitting customer, you are thrust into the visual import of a porn display, immediately get off the website (that has suddenly appeared on your monitor), bind that thought from corrupting your mind and bring the residual imagination left in the mind, captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (II Cor 10:5).
“The light of the body is the eye….but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness” (Matt 6:22, 23). This shows that, in one sense, if your eyes are corrupt, you are corrupt; if your life is full of darkness. This also means that if you are not careful, your eyes can be the gates of hell leading you deep down to the pit of hell. Samson’s life is a warning to this frightening truth. “Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there an harlot, and went in unto her” “But the Philistines took him down to Gaza” (Judg 16:1, 21). To the very place where he had given room to the lust of the eyes (Gaza) he was brought down bound, with his eyes put out. This gives warning to all—if you give room to the lust of the eyes, one day you will be bound by the devil and your spiritual eyes will be put out. The eyes are connected to the heart and mind (thoughts) (prov 15:30). When the eyes are defiled, the heart and mind are also defiled.
Jesus said, “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matt 5:28). This is a serious warning to all those who feast their eyes on porn. If one look of lust on just one woman for one second is adultery in the sight of God, when you deliberately and continuously look for several minutes at women/men in their most abominable form of appearance, behaving in the worst immoral way, you have committed adultery many thousands of times, yes, many millions of times.
St. Peter says about such people—“Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin” (II pet 2:14). One shocking truth is that every time a person commits a sin of immorality, a demon (unclean spirit) attacks him or enters him. For example, he man of Gadara who obviously was immoral man (wearing on clothes and sleeping in the tombs), had a legion or 6000 demons in him (Mk 5:1-9). Therefore those who watch porn frequently may have millions of demons or unclean spirits attacking them or possessing them.
What will happen to such people at the time of their death? All the demons that attack them will simultaneously torment them in the worst possible way. “O death, where is thy sitting?... The sitting of death is sin” (I Cor 15; 55, 56). This shows that every sin that a man commits will turn into a sting at the time of death, and torment him. And that torment will continue all eternity unless he repents and renounces all his sins while on earth.
Dear reader, have you ever given room to pornography through the Internet, videos, DVD’s, cell phones, magazines, books, etc? Perhaps you have not realized that porn power has been attacking you from the pit of hell. Your mind may be already corrupted, and at times your sleep may be disturbed with frequent nightmares. There may be many other disturbing and devastating things happening in your life. Satan has gained a deep foothold and has built a stronghold in your consult a matured servant of God and shares your problems without hiding anything. Also take time to repent from the depths of your heart and renounce every sin you have committed so far. Jesus cannot only wash you with His blood but also command purity of heart and mind.
Jesus suffered greatly that we might have pure thoughts. To whip Jesus (for our healing) a group of soldiers were used, but to beat the crown of thorns into His head with a rod—for our purity of mind (chastisement of our peace) both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels mention that the whole band of soldiers (all the soldiers under the centurion—at least a 100) were called. Imagine the soldiers of the governor—his personal bodyguards, the best soldiers in the region—all taking turns to beat Jesus’ head with the crown of thorns on it. All those soldiers were called for this most painful punishment of Christ—for all of our wrong thoughts, for the sins of our minds.
Remove any pornographic material from your heart and home, and replace them with God’s word. Let your mind be habitually occupied with such activities as Bible study, missionary work, the singing of “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,” and other things that contribute something noble to the mind and character.
Today, from the bottom of your heart, make a covenant as Job did: “I made a covenant with mine eyes” (Job 31: 3). This promise can be fulfilled in your life: “You that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind…yet now hath He reconciled…to present (your minds) holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight” (col 1:21, 22).
Food for thought:
Our battle is won, but is yet to be fought.
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