Saturday, September 1, 2007

The MISSION of his People If you are a christian read this!!

Christ’s Mission

Brothers and sisters,Jesus wanted to teach us to live by love for it his fathers will he wanted to show in the Gospel that we should love our brothers and our sisters. That we should seek out helping everyone for we are all His creation. I would ask you brothers and sisters to quit being concerned with your own success and your own status in life. Reach out to people for Christ plant the seed of love in their life and water it with your friendship and share the message of the Gospel with them and watch the Lord do the growth. Its not about money its not about status its not about you its about us all. Living together loving and sharing that the least among us are equal that they share and are excepted as the rest and that the most do not boast of what they have for dont you know that that is self seeking and arrogance with pride and the Lord says in his word he doesnt even know such people. Instead humble yourselves to do his work and to love your family, friends, and even your enemies pray for them that the Lord will show compassion on them and help them in their life. Its time to give up this money idea and self. The bible says:2 Timothy 3:1-51. but realize this that in the last days difficult times will come.2. for men will be lovers of self lovers of money boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents ungrateful unholy 3. unloving irreconcilable malicious gossips without self control brutal, haters of good4. treacherous reckles conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 5. holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power and avoid such men as theseThis is prophecy written 1600 years ago or more saying that these very times would be like this. Open your eyes people and open your hearts and do something for someone. Slow down and look at your world that God has given us and know that he gave his son that we could know God once again. Repent of your sins and ask jesus into your heart find a bible based church and start walking and be baptized in the Holy spirit. Learn the Lords love it is a power he will give you to reshape your mind and your heart and the direction your soul is going. Help where you can feed people who need food go out of your way to find places to help with this. Donate clothes to organizations that help clothe the naked or adopt some families and go and buy their children clothes for school. Let people know that you care listen to them and learn the ways of our Lord so you can give them advice. A Disciple in which we are all to be means a (learner) you study and learn his ways that we can duplicate them in our life in all things we do and he gives us the holy spirit which purges that bad nature out of us as we pray to God to help us and as we seek him in all things. HELP HELP HELP everyone get involved where are your heartsJohn8: 31-3231. Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, If you abide in My word then you are truly disciples of Mine32. and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free 33. They answered Him We are Abrahams offspring and have never yet been enslaved to anyone how is it that you asy You shall become free ??34 Jeus answered them, Truly truly I say to you everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. 35. and the slave does not remain in the house forever the son does remain forever36. If therefore the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed.This freedom is freedom from yourselves people from the snares of the devil and the lies he has put in this world. You dont need a bigger house or more you you need love and you need to show love you only have this one Life then its even Eternal Life in the presence of the Lord, Or eternal seperations in Hell where there will be continual weeping an knashing of teeth. This is the truth people and this is soon. Share with people you remember when the world loved not so long ago and you talked to your neigbors and cared about what was going on with them and you shared their burdens and became friends with them. Go see if your neigbors need any help show Christ's love. The Father is the only one who can truly Judge so quit Judging and love show love in all things.remember this Its says in the Scripture:Luke8:2121 but Jesus answered and said to them My mother and My brother are these who hear the word of God and do it Matthew 6: 19-2119. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and whre thieves break in and steal. 20. but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal21. FOR WHRE YOUR TREASURE IS , THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO.
Your brother in ChristDarwin(Gods servant)

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