Thursday, January 5, 2012


Honey-Cocoa Butter Lip Balm

Makes 100 applications

2 tbls. olive oil
1/2 tsp. honey
3/4 tsp. beeswax — grated
1/2 tsp. pure cocoa butter
Flavored oil of your choice (like peppermint or vanilla)
1 vitamin E capsule

> In a small saucepan, heat oil, honey, wax and butter over a low heat until just melted.
> Remove from heat and allow to cool for 2-3 minutes.
> Stir in flavoring and contents of vitamin E capsule.
> Pour into containers of your choice.

Mayonnaise-Baby Oil Dry Skin Treatment

Makes 1 application

2 tablespoons real mayonnaise
1 teaspoon baby oil
> Combine both ingredients.
> Smooth onto face, neck, rough elbows and knees or anywhere else you feel might benefit from it.
> Leave for 20 minutes.
> Rinse off thoroughly with tepid water.

End-of-Day Foot Spa

Good for one home pedicure.
1/2 cup Epsom salts
Essential oils of your choice
> Fill either a foot bath or your bath tub to ankle height with warm water.
> Dissolve 1/2 cup Epsom salts in the warm water and add the essential oil of your choice (lavender, rosewood, patchouli and sandalwood are relaxing oils, while lemongrass and eucalyptus are uplifting)
> Soak for 10-15 minutes. Pat dry and moisturize.

Carrot and Aloe Natural Sunburn Treatment
The gel from the fleshy leaves of the aloe vera plant soothes and heals sunburn and other minor wounds. This gentle preparation, applied topically, can be used on children, too.

Natural Remedies to Make your Hair Grow Faster

Natural Remedies to Make your Hair Grow Faster
Improving your hair growth with natural remedies may seem almost impossible, but actually it is quite a real thing. The matter is that there are lots and lots of plants that have the ability to increase the blood flow in our head and this way provide the natural hair growth process. Read on to check out natural remedies that can be used to make your hair grow faster.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the perfect natural remedies that can be very helpful to make your hair grow faster. Due to the antioxidants this miraculous drink includes, you can drink it or use as the component of your shampoo, lotion or any other hair care product to provide stronger protection to your follicles.

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is another natural remedy to make your hair grow faster. You are to rub warm grapeseed oil into your scalp just before the bedtime 2 or 3 times a week.


Potato or more exactly water that is left after potato boiling is another natural remedy that would help you to increase natural hair growth process. Let it cool and rinse your hair, after wash hair with your fave shampoo.

Egg Hair Mask

Mix an egg with 50 g of olive oil and apply the derived mixture to you hair. Wrap up with a towel and leave for an hour. After wash off with mild shampoo and apply hair conditioner. Repeat the procedure at least once a week.

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