Saturday, July 21, 2007

Isaac Isudas Trajker

My Personal Testimony
G reetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I was Born in 1980 in a Christian Family but for 19 years, I did not know Christ. In the Month of January 23 1997, a Gospel Camp was arranged by Evangelical Union and I had opportunity to hear Lord's Servant Mr. Ervin Lal whose testimony touched my heart, he asked one question – "Are you belong to Christ or are you belong to someone else?"
Same night I was not able to sleep and decided to give my life to Christ. And I was assured that without accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior, we cannot reach heaven. I could understand that Christ has shaded His blood for my sins. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and became a true Christian. Lord assured me to grant strength as per His promise given in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me."

On 05-05-1999 I was privileged to listen to the Gods servant Rev. Emmanuel Christie. He talked to us about a character of a blind person in the Bible. As I could learn that the person was blind from the birth and Jesus gave him a vision. I too realize my being blind spiritually and confessed my state of mind to Jesus, and I pray God to keep me spiritually healed all my life. Please pray for my faith.

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