Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My heart Beats for you

Im rejected many times  by many people...rejected in school,rejected in college,rejected in love, rejected in family,blamed n insulted,rejected and im kept at last place. Got so many suicidal thoughts.Thought to die ,felt lonely,no support, only cried to LORD in all my defeats of this painful life from childhood.

Floods of tears in my room, im still alive for one reason.The reason is im not rejected by GOD, Im choosen by him.He choose to love me, when others started hating me, He started to shower his mercy n grace on me, when i started sinning broken in pieces with this life. He bore me on his shoulders,he lifted me up . Nobody believed me ,all  see me as a waste garbage,im discouraged,laughed n insulted, but GOD holded me and hugged me.He is there for me,i waited for him.

There was a time i gave up and fall into sins, searched for my own selfish desires.But MY FATHER knows what i wanted,he never gave up on me.He loved me n want me more than anyone i know.I never seen a Love like that and i can never see.He is there for me.Im thankful to JESUS,he never gave up on me. I'M REJECTED BY ALL BUT GOD CHOOSED ME. Im saved by his grace...this waste garbage he is in love,he made me feel so precious only because of him. Now i surrender myself to you my Father.Now all the love and honour im getiing ,it's because of you my JESUS,Im your's..........


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